School Activities 2023/2024

School Tours

Children from the Junior Room enjoyed a fantastic experience at Charm Bee today and made the traditional stop-off at the playground on the way back.



Great fun was had by all the children from the Middle and Senior Rooms at The Wetlands in Tralee.



Fire Brigade

Many thanks to our local firefighters, Deborah and Robert who delivered a presentation on Fire Safety to the children.



Camogie Finals

Congratulations to the girls! Division 6 winners, 10 – 1 to 5 – 3 in the camogie final in Cusack Park.




Congratulations to everyone who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion in St. Mary’s Church, Carrigaholt.



Congratulations to our sixth-class pupils who received the sacrament of Confirmation in St. Mary’s Church.

6th Class Graduation

On Friday, June 21st we held our graduation for our wonderful 6th Class students. We are so proud of them and wish the six of them the very best as they move on to secondary school. We know they will go on to do great things! Thanks to Mary Keane, parents, staff, and students for joining us to mark this special day.


School Activities 2022/2023


School Tours

The Junior Infants, Senior Infants and 1st class had a super day out at Moher Hill Farm for their school tour. They saw lots of animals and had the chance to play in the sandpit, playground and use the go-karts. 2nd to 6th class students visit UL adventure centre for a great day of kayaking, high ropes climbing, sailing, standup paddling and archery. It was a super day out and the students had lots of fun.




Graduation Mass

On Tuesday June 20th we held graduation mass for our wonderful 6th Class students. We are so proud of them and wish the six of them the very best as they move on to secondary school. We know they will go on to do great things! Thanks for Father Casey, parents, staff and students for joining us to mark this special day. 



Girls Football Final

The girls football team are the division three champions! After a great day out in Cusack Park where they had a brilliant win, we welcomed them back with a big celebration back at the school.



Schools Fitness Ireland

As part of active school week this year, we had a wonderful visit from School Fitness Ireland. All of the students took part in a Zumba class, Yoga class and completed obstacle courses. Thanks to Vivienne for a great day of activities.



West Clare Races

The West Clare Races took place on September 26th in Knock. Students from Moveen NS attended the races and participated in the under 8s, under 10s and over 10s categories. Well done to all students for their great effort in the races.


Kilkee Football Blitz

Some of the students from 4th, 5th and 6th class attended a football blitz held in Kilkee on Thursday September 22nd. The students had the chance to play against lots of teams ahead of the new school football season.



The division 7 camogie championship was held in Cusack Park on June 16th. The girls from 4th, 5th and 6th class played against Kilkee/Kilbaha, alongside their teammates from Carrigaholt NS and Doonaha NS. The girls played brilliantly , winning the match and getting the division 7 championship title. Well done girls!

Girls Football

The girls football team faced Kilmurry McMahon NS/Labasheeda NS in the division 4 girls football final in Cusack Park on June 14th. The girls played brilliantly against tough opponents and came second place overall.

Boys Football

The boys football final took place in Quilty on June 13th. The girls and boys from Moveen NS, Carrigaholt NS, and Doonaha NS faced Lahinch NS. Both teams played brilliantly and it was a close match, with Moveen NS and fellow teammates winning the match and the division.


The boys and girls basketball team played in the first round of the Marion Keane basketball tournament in Kilrush Community School on April 6th. Both teams played brilliantly and the girls moved on to round 2 of the tournament, having won all of their matches in round 1. The girls team just missed out on qualifying for the final in Ennistymon. Well done to both teams for their great efforts in the tournament.



Congratulations to the Under 13 Quiz Team who came 2nd in the West Clare Division of the Credit Union Quiz 2024.