Junior Room

Junior Infants to 1st Class - Mrs. Keane

Céad Míle Fáilte Ar Ais.

We warmly welcome everyone back again this September 2023 and are delighted to have three lovely Junior Infants joining Senior Infants and First Class in the Junior Room this year. All of the children have settled in very well and are getting used to the busy day in school. They are all enjoying playing together and making new friends and have adapted very well to the classroom routine. The children have been busy bees with literacy activities, learning lots of new sounds and the Junior Infants have been practising their nursery rhymes! We all learned a beautiful song “Mr Noah” We did lots of colouring, matching and sorting activities using concrete materials in our maths stations. The stations are a great way for the children to experience a multitude of sensory learning experiences with mathematics. We are celebrating all things Autumn and our Nature table is quickly being filled with crunchy autumn leaves, pinecones, conkers. Some amazing artwork on the theme “Looking through an Autumn window” by the girls and boys is on display in the Junior classroom.



Middle Room

2nd, 3rd and 4th class - Mrs. Carmody

Collaborating on an autumn art project and designing bookmarks in preparation for a new year of Accelerated Reader, children in the middle room have really enjoyed catching up with old and new friends after the summer holidays.





Senior Room

5th and 6th class - Ms. Carroll

5th and 6th class are happy to be back in school with their classmates. We’ve had a busy week practicing our new spelling strategies in our ‘Spellings for Me’ programme and lots of maths revision. We took part in the first of a 3-part webinar series titled “Feeling Good in Body and Mind: Your Way to Wellbeing”. Itwas interesting to focus on different ways to improve our wellbeing and we look forward to next week’s webinar focusing on building resilience. In preparation for the Rugby World Cup, we are doing Tag-Rugby in PE using all the great equipment we got from collecting the ALDI stickers. We all chose a rugby team and researched that country in the chrome books and ipads. Good luck to the Irish team in the tournament!




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